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May 2024 Issue

Stacy Dykstra of the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma

Season of Summer Hunger 

As spring turns to summer, many of us, and our kids, start to think about summer vacations, swimming pools, grilling out and travel. It’s a great time to take a break from the routines of the school year.  

It’s a great break, that is, unless you have children who rely on accessing free meals at school. Many families are trying to figure out how to provide enough food for their children during the months those free breakfasts and lunches are no longer available. During the summer break, families often need to pay for child care costs, too.  

That’s why this issue of The Link features children and the people who are working to help them. We’re addressing summer hunger and how supporters like you are rising to the challenge. 

Of course, summer hunger affects more than just children. For many Oklahomans, food insecurity is a year-round issue. In fact, recent census data shows that the poverty rate is up dramatically, including DOUBLE for children, which means the problem is bigger than it’s been in a long time. 

But thanks to your kindness, we’re up to the challenge because YOU always rise to the occasion. And for that, I’m grateful.  

Remember, as always, every $1 helps provide 3 meals for Oklahoma families and neighbors. Thank you for your generosity and compassion. 


Stacy Dykstra, Ph.D. 
Chief Executive Officer

May Stories