HELP - The Link - August 2023

When the Regional Food Bank needs volunteers, Chesapeake Energy is always ready to H.E.L.P. You can see it in their smiles … and on their T-shirts.

H.E.L.P. stands for Helping Energize Local Progress, and it’s a key piece of the energy company’s commitment to the community. And a huge part of that community has been through the Regional Food Bank, which Chesapeake has supported since it was founded in 1989.

“The Regional Food Bank has always been a huge part of our company because of the way they serve the entire community in such tremendous ways,” says Chesapeake spokesperson Brook Coe. “We’ve had people on their board, and we’ve had thousands of volunteers donating thousands of hours over the years.”

Coe says Chesapeake has “in the millions” in the 30-plus years of supporting the Regional Food Bank.

“Charitable giving and volunteering has always been at the core of this company,” Coe says. “It’s part of its soul, and it’s just something that our employees have been always really passionate about and excited about.”

As part of Chesapeake’s H.E.L.P. Initiative, its 1,200 employees are each given eight paid hours per year to volunteer wherever they like.

Chesapeake also regularly participates in the Regional Food Bank’s OKC Restaurant Week, in which local eateries donate a percentage of their profits to the cause. Chesapeake has an in-house restaurant at their Oklahoma City buildings where employees can purchase meals.

A huge thank you to Chesapeake Energy for your generosity and kindness!

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