Thanksgiving is often a time for big family gatherings.

But when it’s hard enough to put food on the table for a normal occasion, celebrations can be out of the question. Gathering for a meal with extended family can be especially challenging.

That’s exactly what Kathy and her family are facing this Thanksgiving.

“We come from a big family,” says Kathy, who usually looks forward to large gatherings. But this year will be different: “We’re all struggling, so we’re not coming together for Thanksgiving, unfortunately.”

Kathy and her daughter Olyvia, 17, were able to pick up a turkey and some fixings at a holiday food distribution, and she was grateful for the bounty.

But she’s also quite aware of today’s fiscal realities. She has noticed that many people in her community have lost work and cannot afford the current higher cost of living.

And though she has a job as a cook at a local restaurant, she hasn’t been able to make ends meet lately.

Without the holiday food distribution, Kathy says she wouldn’t have been able to celebrate with a traditional meal at all, much less with a big family gathering.

Now, at least, she’s looking forward to a meal with her children.

Families big and small are struggling this Thanksgiving season. Thank you for bringing some help and hope into their lives.

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