Like so many others, Glenda is living from one paycheck to the next. And with grocery prices so high these days, that’s more challenging than ever.

So this Thanksgiving, Glenda is particularly grateful for the walk-in pantry at the Classen Senior Center. The on-site pantry is a project of the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, one of 10 planned pantries to be placed in low-income senior housing facilities throughout our community.

Glenda especially likes being able to browse the pantry like a small grocery store, picking up just what she needs — and leaving other items for those who might need it more.

“The pantry helps me get through from payday to payday,” she says. “Every little bit helps.”

Marvin feels the same way, especially when finances get tight near the end of the month.

“It helps a good deal,” says Marvin, who’d filled his basket with canned goods, tuna, cheese, crackers, frozen dinners, ketchup and more.

Marvin is on the meals program at Classen, but he appreciates the ability to pick up extra food — particularly snacks — at the pantry.

Linda is in the same boat as Marvin, with her limited income running out before the end of the month. Like Marvin, she’s on the meals plan at Classen, but prefers to sometimes cook her own meals in her unit; she says she especially likes cooking catfish.

She calls the pantry “a godsend.”

“It’s awesome,” she says. “And the Regional Food Bank has a heart of gold looking out not just for us seniors, but kids and families too. Thank you!”

Your support helps to stock the shelves of pantries like this all year round. Thank you!

Next Story: Read How Your Gifts Make Thanksgiving Special