Leslie knows that when it comes to helping people, even the littlest things can really matter — like getting someone’s name right.

While working the front desk at the Project 66 Food and Resource Center, Leslie, a 16-year-old volunteer, has to call everyone by name when it’s their turn to get food.

“There was one woman with a name that was a little hard to pronounce,” says Leslie. “When I called her name, she said, ‘I just want you to know that no one ever pronounces my name correctly. You’re the first person to do that.’ So I thought that was really cool.”

What’s also really cool is that Leslie, an honor student with a 4.0 grade point average, volunteers her time with Project 66, one of the Regional Food Bank’s partners. She started doing it as a requirement with the National Honor Society, but she plans to keep volunteering after that.

“I like volunteering here because the people are so nice,” says Leslie. “They make me feel welcome, like I belong here.

“These people want help, and they need food, and being a part of bringing that to them is really cool.”

We think all of our volunteers are really cool. Thank you, Leslie! Make another donation today to support the work volunteers like Leslie do. 

Next Story: A Kitchen That Serves Heaping Helpings of Hope